Village Voice feature on Speak Onion. They know what’s good.

10 02 2010

The Village Voice is hip to NYC’s boss of drum’n’noise. The feature includes some insight into what the hell Speak Onion is on about, a review of Trigger Pusher, and some background on I.B.N. They said, among other glowing praise:

“Only the Floor Is Rotten” may teem with enough nasty, pixilated bass synthesizers and stuttered tripwire breakbeats to satiate a dozen warehouses packed full of revelers, but the relentless waves of twinkling keyboard figures underneath all that havoc come bearing cosmic melodic gifts. “The Last Thing You Remember,” meanwhile, pushes the noise-as-bracing-assault envelope with a fuck-you intensity, mashing reams of hyperventilating wavelength chirp together with evil-algorithm, bit-crush malevolence.”

Yeah, that’s about right.

So grab the Village Voice this week to get a piece of Immigrant Breast Nest history! And stay tuned for future Speak Onion news, including the upcoming show on 3/14 at The Charleston in Williamsburg and the upcoming split release with Xrin Arms!

Derek Tibs (CEO, Immigrant Breast Nest)

Some video from Sat. at Coco66!

8 02 2010

Saturday was a monster party, as you might have guessed. Stank funk bludgeoned by relentless hardcore morphing into mad science blips all ruined by noisy breaks. Typical of us at I.B.N. Thanks a billion to Naetron, Insect Deli, Joy Through Noise, and Coco66 for the killer PA.

Check out some videos!

Insect Deli really murdered everything in the world. Here’s a taste:

And Speak Onion did the usual insane ruckus. Seeing is believing:

And check out this later portion of the set, including post-set dance moves (for the ladies). What are those samples he’s dropping in there? Sounds like tru necro kvlt black metal grymness, right? Well, I’ve said too much.

This is what an I.B.N. party is like. Just so you know. Stay tuned for more!

Derek Tibs (CEO, Immigrant Breast Nest)

Speak Onion’s Metabolor Reviewed in Regen Magazine

22 01 2010

Regen magazine recently posted a review of Speak Onion’s Metabolor (IBN002). Check out the review here. Regen says of Metabolor,

“For these brave few that seek out breakcore for their listening enjoyment, Speak Onion is the man for the job. Blending the intricacies of breakcore with the sheer power of noise, Metabolor is perfect for the breakcore fanatic,”


“Speak Onion brings forth gunfire drums and imminent doom with his music,”


“…but those well-versed in the genre [breakcore] will find Speak Onion a strong player in the field.”

among other fantastically positive things. We are not surprised. Speak Onion is the boss of NYC drum’n’noise and he doesn’t stop at Metabolor, recently having dropped Trigger Pusher on us, and with Snow Braid— a split with Xrin Arms— about to drop, the madness continues.

So grab Metabolor and Trigger Pusher and catch Speak Onion playing for free at Coco66 next month to see what this is all about.

Derek Tibs (CEO, Immigrant Breast Nest).

Some news and some upcoming releases.

9 12 2009

First off, we have new releases from Speak Onion and David B Applegate coming this month! Just getting the mastering done. Speak Onion’s “Trigger Pusher” is an EP of 2 looooong tracks capturing the bonkers live energy he’s been bringing to the stage of late, and David B. Applegate’s “King Of The Campus” is a full length bursting with sklatter, BOOM, and blOOr for days. Get excited. Any minute now. Check out the artwork.



Also, check out Speak Onion’s new website design, and find him on Twitter. You can expect him to be hollering about breakbeats, fish, beards, eating, and maybe Nord synthesizers or whatever the fuck that dude is ever talking about.

Also, did you find me on facebook yet? I didn’t!

Derek Tibs (CEO, Immigrant Breast Nest)

Thermometerometer- Overcoming Adversity City, Digital Leak!

12 11 2009


We are rewarding, you, the Immigrant Breast Nest faithful, with the first access to the brand-newest Thermometerometer styles, in digital form, before the CDs are even ready to print. Get down on it.

Thermometerometer returns with Overcoming Adversity City, a nightmare romp through the cracked prisms of doom metal, electronic improvisation, tricked-out beats, and the good, old-fashioned weirdness for which they’re best known. After spending its earliest days getting shapes, Thermometerometer has now begun to break them down into micro-shapes and colored dust from which they form the crayons responsible for drawing these seven slabs of electrified sonic abstraction. Need an edgy doom fix? Hear Seventeen Million Dollar Block and Arcane Arabic Soccer Magick. Want some bombed out spastic bass & drum machine abuse? Please enjoy Total Breakdance Society and Ironic Ethnicity City. Or, if you’re inclined toward digital wrecks & noisy eclectic beat disruptions, check out Ticking Amazing and Mad Derelict. No matter where your mind wanders on the spectrum of fresh electronic sounds, T-MOM is there with something you’ve not yet imagined.

Derek Tibs (CEO, Immigrant Breast Nest)

Glowing T-MOM review in Connexion Bizarre

10 11 2009

Connexion Bizarre, one of the finest out-there electronic music hubs on the internet, has reviewed Thermometerometer’s debut record, Who measure’s the measurers?.
Click here for the review.


About Who measure’s the measurers? CB says, “Flips, clicks, drones, buzzes, pops and even glitches are thrown together and have things done to them that they could never have imagined in their wildest nightmares…” and “‘Who measures the measurers?’ retains far more accessibility to a general audience than most projects this avant-garde would manage to…”

Accessibility? Ok, if you say so!

This comes just in time to get the people ready for the latest and greatest T-MOM offering, to be released this month, Overcoming Adversity City. It will dagger your ears.

Derek Tibs (CEO, Immigrant Breast Nest)

FREE Immigrant Breast Nest Party on 10/23 in W’burg! CANCELLED

8 10 2009


Yes, yes, y’all. I.B.N. will be raging hard on Friday, October 23 at Legion in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Full on avant noise weirdness and blown out electronic blastitudes all night. That’s the I.B.N. promise! Come out and see what we have to show you.


Derek Tibs (CEO, Immigrant Breast Nest)

I.B.N. artists’ work in Wobbling Roof magazine

2 10 2009

Check out the new web-based multimedia arts magazine published by good friends Dead Language Records, Wobbling Roof Magazine. It is packed to the brim with writing, audio, music, and photography for you to wrap your brains around. It is even co-curated by our own David B. Applegate! Included in this inaugural issue are exclusive tracks by David B. Applegate and Speak Onion. Go get it!

Derek Tibs (CEO, Immigrant Breast Nest)

Oct. 17: Speak Onion @ Barcore w/ Ladyscraper, Ebola, more!

29 09 2009

Barcore says:

Like a shockwave of total devastation, Barcore is back on the Bowery to showcase the most intense and unrivaled producers of sonic dominance! Neodigital disciples smashing, thrashing, and bashing everything under the sun, with enough force of aural impact to level the heavens. From industrialized broken beat mechanics, to jungle mutants, glitch dub deviants and ultragrind maniacs, Barcore has assembled some of the best in innovative deliverance of audio proficiency. Congregate with us on this very special evening, as we embark on a megasonic misanthropic adventure!

And you know this is true. Our boy, Speak Onion, hangs with the big dogs in Manhattan, Saturday, October 17, 2009.  Start preparing yourself.


Speak Onion
DJ set from: Silent Killer & Breaker

***21 & UP TO DRINK***
10PM – 4AM
(Between Houston and Bleecker)

Speak Onion with Mavis Concave, Xrin Arms, more for FREE!!

31 08 2009

This will be another epic Broad Channel house show. Also, our very own, Speak Onion, is getting hitched to a nice lady the following weekend, and this is his last big night of sweaty bachelor noise fun (although knowing him, there will be no drop-off in sweat, noise, or fun). Add in parter-in-crime, Xrin Arms, and the devestating styles of Mavis Concave and S.A.W., and this will be a night to remember. Be there.

Derek Tibs (CEO, Immigrant Breast Nest)