I.B.N. Party At The Charleston Last Night

1 05 2009

DANG!!!! There were some intense jams going down last night. Spatterface, Clairaudient, Speak Onion, Digit216, and Realicide ALL brought their A-game without a doubt. Many eardrums were shredded and many pizzas were eaten. Yum.

Were you there? Throw up a comment to tell all the trick-ass busters who missed out what it was like.

There’s lots of videos on our youtube channel and in the visuals section along with some pics of Spatterface.

Can’t wait for the next one. Thanks again to Digit216 and Realicide for coming out to play with us, and everyone who came out to check out our styles.

Stay tuned for more Immigrant Breast Nest activities, because we are blowing up Brooklyn Famous right now!

Derek Tibs (CEO, Immigrant Breast Nest)



One response

1 05 2009
Bklyn Sunglasses

I saw a couple of Brooklyn celebrities there last night. Word is getting out that IBN is one of the best underground labels in the north east.

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