Some video from Sat. at Coco66!

8 02 2010

Saturday was a monster party, as you might have guessed. Stank funk bludgeoned by relentless hardcore morphing into mad science blips all ruined by noisy breaks. Typical of us at I.B.N. Thanks a billion to Naetron, Insect Deli, Joy Through Noise, and Coco66 for the killer PA.

Check out some videos!

Insect Deli really murdered everything in the world. Here’s a taste:

And Speak Onion did the usual insane ruckus. Seeing is believing:

And check out this later portion of the set, including post-set dance moves (for the ladies). What are those samples he’s dropping in there? Sounds like tru necro kvlt black metal grymness, right? Well, I’ve said too much.

This is what an I.B.N. party is like. Just so you know. Stay tuned for more!

Derek Tibs (CEO, Immigrant Breast Nest)

I.B.N. Presents on Friday in Brooklyn!

28 07 2009


So, we have good news and bad news about Friday’s show. Which do you want first? The bad news? Ok, due to some deaths in the family and intense car trouble, Xrin Arms is cancelling his tour and won’t make the show on Friday. But the good news is that David B. Applegate has graciously jumped onto the bill to fill in. So you are still assured 5 acts of wild beats and noises. Yes.

Friday, July 31, 2009, 8PM

Speak Onion
Insect Deli
David B. Applegate

66 Greenpoint Ave (btw Franklin and West), Brooklyn, NY
G to Greenpoint Ave, walk 1 block west.

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Derek Tibs (CEO, Immigrant Breast Nest)