Grindthieves is back and they want you to know about IBN017!

23 11 2010

Grindthieves, the finest source for new hotness in all kinds of under-the-radar music, especially hard electronics, is back after a little hiatus, and they want you to know about the Digit216 vs. Speak Onion: Battle at Silent Barn. We figured they’d enjoy hearing this audio slugfest. It seems they did:

“I would LOVE to hear this shit at a sound system near me. Fuuuck.”

If you don’t already have IBNo17: Battle At Silent Barn in your life, go get it (Download IBN017: Digit216 vs. Speak Onion- Battle At Silent Barn). And whatever you do, keep looking at Grindthieves for releases, mixes, shows, and all manner of great stuff.

Derek Tibs (CEO, Immigrant Breast Nest)

I.B.N. Teams Up with Barcore to Bring You Breakcore Madness, Friday 11/5 at Silent Barn!

22 10 2010

Yep, we’re bringing you the face-melting electronic fury. Breakcore, dubstep, mutant jungle, or anything else that can pop out of a sampler and scare your grandma. Your boy, Speak Onion, starts it off at 10 PM, and everything gets more and more ruined from there. We’re stoked to have Techdiff and Deformer in from overseas, so let’s show them how NYC bangs out.

Silent Killer
Speak Onion

Friday, November 5, 2010, 10PM-4AM
Silent Barn
915 Wyckoff Ave
L to Halsey or Myrtle/Wyckoff

Offical I.B.N. bootleg of Digit216 vs Speak Onion BATTLE SET available now!

23 08 2010

Download IBN017: Digit216 vs. Speak Onion- Battle At Silent Barn

Immigrant Breast Nest brings you an official bootleg from Digit216 and Speak Onion’s epic BATTLE SET from Silent Barn last weekend. Here is the sound of two giants locked in combat, leveling everything in their path. New York City’s most imposing purveyors of angry electronic mayhem met in pitched battle to determine who truly has the most dangerous beats in town. Digit216, the crowned king of cybergrind calamity, launched a barrage of mega-ton kicks and a seemingly infinite arsenal of bulletproof breaks. Speak Onion, the #1 boss of drum’n’noise, let loose a plague of toxic chemical synths and flesh-eating effects. After 5 rounds of chaos, the only clear winner was the crowd of on-lookers, left with gaping jaws and shattered eardrums.

Fortunately, a pristine recording from the mixing board has been uncovered, so the historic Battle At Silent Barn can take its place in history. Immigrant Breast Nest will bring this event to light so the world can hear the dangers of armed electronic conflict and the horrors of breakcore war. Hopefully society can learn from the past and such carnage will never repeat itself. Actually, scratch that, this shit crushes. Once you get this in your head, you’ll want it to happen again on a sound system near you.

I.B.N. aritsts at Port d’Or on Friday, Aug. 27!

3 08 2010

Big show alert! Get ready to party all damn night with some of the wildest, weirdest music, including two of I.B.N.’s heaviest hitters, Speak Onion and David B. Applegate. Aside from all the drum’n’noise and Free Techno you can get, there’s also Bubblegum Octopus and Mysterious House taking it over the top with weirdness. You get it all with this party.

Don’t miss it!

Derek Tibs (CEO, Immigrant Breast Nest)

Edit: Xrin Arms, sadly, won’t be able to make it up to NYC due to some rough times out on tour, so there will be only 4 bands at this show at Port d’Or. Still mad freshness guaranteed, though. Pour one out on the curb for XA, though.

I.B.N. Presents party at Silent Barn on Sunday 8/15!

21 07 2010

Note: The venue is now changed to SILENT BARN at 915 Wyckoff. Sorry for the late notice!

Realicide and DJ Tacopunch are bringing the crazed electronic hardness from out of town, and of course we’ve got local industrial noise genius, Insect Deli, lighting the place up as well. That would be enough to make this show worth attending, but Digit216 and Speak Onion are doing a BATTLE SET of breaks, noise, and general clusterfuckery to top it all off.

Immigrant Breast Nest presents:
DJ Tacopunch
Speak Onion vs. Digit216 (special battle set!)
Insect Deli

Sunday, August 15, 2010, 8:30 PM
Silent Barn, 915 Wyckoff Avenue, Ridgewood
L to Halsey

Speak Onion on Solipsistic Nation podcast about iphone/ipod/ipads

1 06 2010

The brilliant Solipsistic Nation podcast has featured Speak Onion in their recent show about people who use iphones/ipads/ipods to make electronic music. This show features various artists who use Apple’s mobile hardware in different ways to make all kinds of electronic music. The last 10 minutes or so of the show are devoted to our boy, Speak Onion, including an interview and his live set from last January, Speak Onion at Brecht Forum, January 19, 2009. Listen to Solipsistic Nation No. 193 right here.

Those of you know who’ve seen SO’s ruinous live styles may know that all those beats and loops are coming from an iphone running Beatmaker. They may get ripped apart afterwards, but that’s where they start. So go grab the new episode of Solipsistic Nation, and subscribe to their podcast while you’re there, because there’s plenty of new and awesome electronic music coming out of there every week.

Derek Tibs (CEO, Immigrant Breast Nest)

Remixing The Bloodwhore, Black Metal Remixes Available Now!

26 04 2010

IBN015- Remixing The Bloodwhore

Immigrant Breast Nest let loose some of NYC’s local deviant electronics masters to work the darkest necromancy on Decanting The Bloodwhore’s tru kvlt black metal classic, Enveloped In The Dreaded Anguish Of Ancients. Hellish blasts morph into breaks and bonks and pained screams slither into seething and sizzling noise freakouts. Imbuing the extreme grymmness of the originals with horrid and un-natural power, these remixes somehow deliver extreme hotness alongside true frost.

Digit216 and Speak Onion pound out ruined breakcore with no remorse, while Joy Through Noise and Thermometerometer revel in ominous ambience. Naetron and seismologist lay out neck-breaking grooves, leaving David Morneau and David B. Applegate to get way, way out there on some alien soundscapes. Immigrant Breast Nest once again brings you the tru necro kvlt grymness, this time raised to the evil inverted infinite power.

Derek Tibs (CEO, Immigrant Breast Nest)

Speak Onion’s Metabolor reviewed in Heathen Harvest

18 03 2010

Heathen Harvest has just posted up a review of Metabolor by Speak Onion. Read it here. They had some good stuff to say!

“…a raucous form of extreme soundwork that is equal parts hardcore techno, drum’n’bass and noise. This is the sound of the U.S. underground Breakcore scene, a quickly evolving genre, and Speak Onion is one of it’s masters.”

That’s right. Boss of NYC drum’n’noise.

Download the record right here.

Derek Tibs (CEO, Immigrant Breast Nest)

Sunday night show was correct as hell

16 03 2010

2 hours of brutality- quick and painful. That’s how we do it.

Thanks again to Maruosa and Miyagi for making the long trip to get rowdy with us. And thanks to everyone who came out to check out the insane styles. SO KILLER.

Check out some other pics here.

Derek Tibs (CEO, Immigrant Breast Nest)

Maruosa invades NYC, with I.B.N. artists supporting!! 3/14 at The Charleston.

18 02 2010

That’s right folks. Get your helmets on, becasue the mighty Maruosa is coming to drop riff after ruined riff on your face and slam beat after cut-up beat down your throat. Immigrant Breast Nest is teaming up with Barcore to present this EXCLUSIVE NYC appearance by Japan’s master of extreme laptop shredding at The Charleston on Sunday, March 14.

Opening up the night, we’ll have the wrecked digital stylings of our very own David B. Applegate, followed by NYC hard electronics mainstays, Speak Onion and Digit216. It will be a night of screaming bits and bL00r. So head over to The Charleston, grab some free pizza, and blow up with us. We’ll be knocking down buildings all night long. Trust.

Derek Tibs (CEO, Immigrant Breast Nest)