Speak Onion- Metabolor

30 03 2009


Metabolor is Speak Onion’s attempt to stake out a spot at the triple-point between noise, breakcore, and dark ambient. These 6 tracks full of breaks, basses, and noise screams can explode almost any party into a real goddamn mess. Coming from Queens, NY’s very own purveyor of drum’n’noise, Speak Onion, this slab of noisy goodness is his most focused material to date, settling into a dark and confrontational style that is definitively his own. Bringing broken grooves with massive basslines while noise elements stab and swirl, Meatbolor abstractly deals in images of life its mechanics. Organic basses squelch as they are digested, and beats are continually broken down and resequenced, separated and recombined. The simultaneous impossibility and inevitability of life as it exists are reflected as the final product, Metabolor, Speak Onion’s deliberate mess.

Derek Tibs (CEO, Immmigrant Breast Nest)

Thermometerometer- Who measures the measurers?

30 03 2009


Thermometerometer gets shapes. All kinds of shapes. Immigrant Breast Nest brings their first release, Who measures the measurers, to you, all full up with the kind of shapes that make you scratch your head or do a dance. If you looked at it through a giant microscope, you would see some doom shapes and get a disease! Drones, bonks, throbs, flips, slaps, and screams propel this record onward, or sometimes backwards. Along the way, Thermometerometer poke and prod inside some sounds looking for the next noise or beat that will fit into their messy basket. They are building one thing out of another thing. From the driving hard rhythms of Centrifuge Party to the abstract noise of Trapezoid at best and the drone screams of Dunejam, T-MOM are tossing out some weird junk for your ears.

Derek Tibs (CEO, Immigrant Breast Nest)