On an ancient mission to bring tru grymmness to the wretched masses of planet Earth, Decanting the Bloodwhore spews forth disgustingly necro Black Metal. Decanting The Bloodwhore is led by vocalist and drum-programmer, Dynnlok, bringing life to his horrid ideas, running the gamut from inconceivable blastbeats to soul-crushing dirges. With the addition of putrid atmosphere provided by keyboardist, Ynndrghnk, and bassist, Tymmn The Grymmn, and bone-shattering riffs and searing leads from guitarists Utfryd Deosil and AedVrench, topped off with the tortured effected vocals of Balefire, DtBW’s music presents a chilling reflection of a broken world too weak even to finally grant peace by destroying itself. Capturing the dismal images of DtBW and their vision of a doomed world, Pyotr is the only photographer sufficiently grymmn and nihilistic to be a member of the band.
Brought together from across vast lands in the bleak winter of 2008, the members of Decanting The Bloodwhore met to create tru necro kvlt black metal imbued with grymmn frost. In the interest of maximizing tru necro kvlt grymmness, the members of Decanting The Bloodwhore assemble to create music from scratch in short bursts, record it, and let it fade from memory immediately. It is easy for them to let the horror of being alive flow out of them in the form of black metal. This filth flows into the abyss of the universe, as water flows from a faucet and down the drain; such a faucet being, literally, the rhythm guitar sound in Decanting the Bloodwhore.
The unmatched darkness and infernal hatred of Decanting The Bloodwhore infects the musical landscape with incessant infernal sounds. Their extremely rare (so rare they are nonexistent) releases have been banned in several countries and are known to cause devastation to those who hear them. Immigrant Breast Nest is proud to present Decanting The Bloodwhore, however the band themselves hate and wish ill upon I.B.N. and any people who might hear their music.
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